Environmental protection
Gredelj Rolling Stock Factory reviewed its own environmental aspects, set goals and programs to comply with legal requirements and the requirements of the international ISO 14001 standard and established an environmental management system in July 2005. The company continuously confirms its consistency in caring for people and the environment, while the validity of the valid certificate in accordance with the requirements of the HRN EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard from the company SGS expires on July 1, 2023.
Being aware of the responsibility and concern for the environmental protection and the impact of our activity upon environment, we implemented into the existing Environmental Management System basic obligations including waste management, waste and groundwater control, measurement of air emissions from stationary sources. Records are kept on waste and emissions into the environment – air, water, in accordance with the existing regulations as welll as with the European Union standards.
During overhaul and production, different types of waste are generated. In order to reduce its occurrence, the focus is on the further development of the waste management system.
The waste generated in the factory is disposed of in a temporary waste disposal. Waste is disposed of through an authorized collector.
Technological, precipitation and sanitary waters are discharged inside the factory. Technological wastewater is treated before discharge depending on the type and degree of pollution.
The quality of wastewater discharged into the public sewerage system is analyzed through an external authorized laboratory for all indicators prescribed by the Water Permit.
Measurements of air emissions from stationary sources are carried out regularly, through authorized companies.